Domain Redemption Period

If a domain name is not Renewed within the Renewal Grace Period, it would be queued for deletion at the end of the Renewal Grace Period and subsequently Deleted.

Once a domain name is Deleted, it would generally slip into the Redemption Grace Period only under the following circumstances:


  • Domain name was manually Deleted by requesting the Registry's Technical Support Team.

  • Domain name was automatically Deleted by our System as the domain name had Expired and was not Renewed until the end of it's Renewal Grace Period.

Redeeming a domain name is costly, time consuming and generally a manual process.

The Redemption Grace Period is generally of 30 days after the domain name is Deleted and during this period, only the current Registrar of the domain name can Redeem the domain name.

If the domain name is not Redeemed during this period, then it would move to the Pending Delete period for 5 days. In this status, the domain name can not be Redeemed and after this period, the domain name would be available for fresh Registration.


To Restore any Domain Name in Redemption Grace Period (Pending Delete Restorable Status)

  1. Login to your Billing Account and proceed to the My Domains view.

  2. Click the Restore Domain Now button.

  3. Proceed Redeeming the domain name, by paying for the generated Invoice.


  • Domains, Domain Redemption, Domain Renewal, Domain Registration
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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